Saturday, January 15, 2011

Baptismal Preparation

We Just finished our Baptismal Class for Angel's baptismal in February. The class and the teachers were great. The man teaching was so funny. He kept the attention of the whole class by telling funny scenarios of baptisms he has attended. One example: A baby started to cry when the father opened and continued to cry until the father closed the ceremony. Another example was when a guy got knocked out by another person using an SLR camera while the photographer was trying to get the perfect shot. Hahaha... I would recommend this class to anyone getting ready for a baptismal.
Today we went shopping for items for Angel's baptismal. We found some great items at a small catholic store. We got some small give a ways and the set for for her ceremony. It includes the cloth, candle, a small prayer book, a rosary, a guardian angel for her crib and a shell for the holy water during the ceremony.
Tomorrow we will go shopping for her dress and other give a ways. I can't wait to see how pretty she will be. Then we need to find clothes for Comz and myself. Stay tuned for more updates to our story....